It all began in 1791 at a secret ceremony, where Dutty Boukman swore an oath to liberty, sealed it with rum and sparked the revolution that freed Haïti.
Alcohol: 45.0%
49,99 EUR
Rhum from fresh cane juice, infused with botanicals - Haiti’s traditional clairin trempé.
Boukman Botanical Rhum is the ultimate expression of Haiti's traditional clairin trempè, fresh cane juice rhum infused with barks, citrus peel and botanicals. The result is a complex, dry and versatile spirit that captures the best of Haiti's terroir and rhum culture. Our rhum is made and bottled in Haiti. 10% of profits are reinvested in education through our partners Haïti Futur.
Boukman is distilled in Haiti's best clairin rhum terroir, Croix-des-Bouquets
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